Freeze to capture the moment

Once the peak of maturation is attained, the caviar is frozen – immediately.
Freezing is now a cutting-edge technology that instantly preserves taste at its optimum.
That is the strength of “Miyazaki Caviar 1983”.

Seasoned only with rock salt.
Flash freezing instantly preserves taste at its optimum.

Most caviar is treated with preservatives, low-temperature sterilization, or 5-8% high salinity to ensure a long shelf life. The original flavour of caviar is lost.

We use no preservatives or other additives. Our caviar is seasoned only with carefully selected rock salt and then matured. The ageing process is stopped at the peak moment of Umami; the caviar is immediately flash frozen and preserved in a cleanroom.

We create the very best caviar
thanks to our freezing technology.

Our caviar stays fresh until thawed and placed on your plate at the ideal stage of maturation captured by our know how.